Lyon - Air Malta November Sale 2021

LYON 2021 - 2022

The Lyonnais Christmas Market

Young or old, traditional or modern, no one can resist that magical charm that can simply only be felt while wrapped in a warm jacket and big scarf, strolling through a wonderful Christmas market, while taking in all the surrounding sights, smells and sounds. Lyon is thought by many to be among Europe’s best Christmas markets, so be sure to stop by for a little winter cheer. Time your visit right, and you will have the amazing opportunity of syncing your wonderful christ- mas vacation one of Lyon’s most famous events, which people wait for all year around. For 3 days only, Lyon hosts the Fête des Lumières, the Festival of Lights, in which designers and artists all over the world compete to participate in, and spend all year preparing their exhibitions and mas- terpieces. The whole city, and particularly Lyon’s most famous monuments, become the canvases of these world renowned geniuses, who use colored lights to create some of the most exquisite art pieces you will ever have the opportunity to experience.



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