Milan - Air Malta November Sale 2021
MILAN 2021 - 2022
The Epicentre of Italian Fashion.
Before heading out, ask the front desk of your hotel for ‘The Golden Shopping Map Milano’. For those who love fashion, it is a guide to your wildest dreams. Find the Quadrilatero d’Oro, the Golden Rectangle, which is lined with famous haute couture boutiques including Versace, Prada, and Armani. Being the home of fashion, Milan also has a generous selection of ‘fashion restaurants’. These hip eateries are the place to be seen sipping a cocktail, adorned in your new purchases. Highlights include The Stage. With a slick interior that is reminiscent of a luxury cruise liner, you will feel like you have left shore. Another great option is Ceresio 7, which features a rooftop pool and exceptional views of the city. This is a great place to dine or simply enjoy a drink and admire the outfits worn by the upscale restaurant’s clientele. Accompanied by a classic Italian cocktail of Aperol or Campari mixed with sparkling water and fruit, Aperitivo is the way to experience Milanese dining.
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