ROCS Group Corporate Profile

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MALTA A hub in the Mediterranean

The Maltese Islands

A background

TheMalteseArchipelagoconsistsofMalta,GozoandCominowiththecapitalVallettadeclareda worldheritage sitebyUNESCO. Thepopulationof these islands is approximately450,000with over 170,000 households. Over the past years the Maltese economy has experienced positive growth leading to an overall improvement in the population’s already high standard of living. The economy has also passed through a period of restructuring and with Malta’s accession to the European Union on the 1st of May 2004, this positive trend is not only expected to be maintained but also improved. The archipelago presents one of the most charming destinations in the Mediterranean, and offers a unique holiday experience whether one is seeking adventure, relaxation or a cultural destination.

Froma vivid past... to a dynamic future

AlthoughMalta is a relatively small nation state it has a large tourist industrywith tourist arrivals reaching 2,800,000 annually.

During the past years, Malta has seen a substantial increase in various industrial sectors particularly in the ICT segment. Gaining a reputation as a centre for quality, it is rapidly growing and in a very short time Malta has established itself as one of the leaders in this field attracting some of the largest global organisations such as Microsoft, HP and Cisco to name a few. Also, the multi-billion dollar investment of a renowned Dubai investment consortium to develop SmartCity Malta makes the island an important strategic hub for ICT in the region. The heavy investment in this sector will continue to expand in the coming years.

A compelling business destination.

Several physiological and cultural factorsmake theMaltese Islands additionally attractive, including: • Being strategically located as a bridge fromEurope to the African continent in the centre of the Mediterranean; • Sharingwestern culture and political democracy, similar legal institutions, accounting standards and trade practices; • Proximity to growingmarkets in Europe, North Africa, theMediterranean and theMiddle East, as well as excellent relations bothwith North African and European Countries; • Logistic convenience underpinned by frequent connections to Europe, North Africa and theMiddle East. • Apro-business government that recognises the importance of incentives to promote economic growth; • Being a full member state of the European Union and part of the Eurozone, providingMalta-based businesses with instant access to the EU’s internal market of over 500million people; • An advantageous geographical location, beingwithin three hours direct flight fromother European financial centres, as well as the logistic convenience of 3 hour flying time via frequent connections to Europe, North Africa and theMiddle East; • An accessible, respected and forward-looking regulator and risk-based supervision; • Comprehensive financial legislation catering inter alia for the regulation of investment funds, insurance companies, securitisation, banking, and financial institutions, offeringmany regulatory structures that are unique in Europe; • A network of double tax treaties with around 80 countries; • Political stability coupledwith unanimous political support for the country’s position as an international financial centre; • Abanking sector composed of a combination of solid and reliableMaltese banks andmajor international banks, providing the highest standards of service to corporate and private clients • State-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure and support services by professionals with a ‘can do’ attitude; • High quality of life in aMediterranean island environment with English as one of Malta’s official languages and the language of the business community;

• Ideal test-bed for new technologies software and hardware due to itsmicro size; • Maltese employees are known for their adaptability, flexibility and integrity; • High standard of education • A strong base testified by the presence of highly established brand names.

ROCS Group is one of Malta’s most recognized and respected group of companies. Its goodwill derives from various positive strengths, in particular due to successful marketing strategies, which the Company is known to be a leader in. Conceived in 1972 by the Vella family, ROCS Group has gone on to grow very affluent businesses in different sectors – ranging from media to real estate, broadcasting, travel, insurance, financial services, leisure, foreign recruitment and retailing. ROCS believes in making a difference. Through its media company, the ROCS Group has not only been responsible for creating their own marketing campaigns, but has also been entrusted with creating campaigns for some of Malta’s leading companies. ROCS delivers quality service by empowering employees and facilitating and monitoring customer feedback to continually improve customer’s experience through innovation. When starting a new venture, this is based on hard research and analysis - the constantly expanding business operations are neither random nor reckless. Each successive venture demonstrates skill in picking the right market and the right opportunity. Once a ROCS Group company is up and running, several factors contribute to making it a success, including the personal involvement of the directors – who apply a hands-on management style – as well as the fact that these companies are part of a family rather than a hierarchy. They are empowered to run their own affairs, yet the companies help one another, with solutions to problems coming from all kinds of sources. In a sense, ROCS is a community, with shared ideas, values, interests and goals. The proof of the ROCS Group’s success is real and tangible. Exploring the activities of its companies through this portfolio demonstrates that success is not only about having a strong business promise, but actually, it is about keeping it!

Facts at a glance

Family-owned company Founded and owned by the Vella Family in 1972.

Landmark inMalta The ROCS brand is nowadays known to be Malta’s leading household name primarily due to its commitment in providing exceptional service and, furthermore, the tangible results of its companies who sharemutual goals. Responsibility towards other Maltese companies ROCS Group is not only responsible for creating its own marketing campaigns, but has also been entrustedwith creating campaigns for some of Malta’s leading companies. Trusted by international companies including: Vodafone, Mercedes, The European Union, SKY Telecom, EmiratesAirlines, Piaget,YellowPages,AirMalta,Miluna, Lufthansa, Toni&Guy, Jaguar, Dell, Nokia, HP, The Malta Government, Canon, Kodak, Kenwood, Jacob’s Coffee, Corinthia Hotels International, andmanymore. Prestigious HeadOffice Strategically located offices in a prestigious location holding all of the services provided by the companiesunder one roof. Additionally thegroupoperatesover 30retail locations inMaltaand Libya. Our position The ROCS Group has established itself as a leader in different fields of business in Malta. Positionedasoneof thehighendcompanies inMalta, theROCSGrouphasbuiltareputationon giving the highest quality of service to theMaltese public ingeneral together with unsurpassed service toMalta’s leading companies.

TheROCSGroup’sreputationtodayextendswellbeyondtheMalteseislands,providinggenuine and exclusive service confirmed both by local as well as foreign clients and partners.

Mission statement

ROCS Travel’s mission is to introduce the best of what the world has to offer its clients. From themoment clients first come into contact with the company, to the day they return fromtheir holiday or business trip, the ROCS Travel team is always ready tomeet their needs.

ROCS Travel – formerly known as Directions Travel Agency – takes great measures to be as responsive and swift as possible to its clients’ requests.

ROCS Travel is not tied to specific countries or regions and is therefore adept at making travel arrangements to anywhere in the world. The company’s personnel pride themselves in their ability to source unique and individual hotels that have not been discovered bymass tourism.

The totally independent nature of the companymakes it possible for ROCS Travel to provide a holiday experiencewhich is original and outstanding.

ROCS Travel... Discover the difference!

Who are we?

Since 1997, ROCS Travel – formerly known as Directions Travel Agency – has been doing one thing exceptionallywell.

Specializing inmatching unique people with unique places, and in providing the expertise and (unobtrusive) support that allows travellers to experience those places fully, at first hand, and in their own personal style. It is simply the best way to travel. In addition, it requires a unique combinationof local knowledgeandglobalorganisationthatonlyROCSisequippedtoprovide.

The travel industry is full of companieswhoown their brochures andahandful of contractswith independent suppliers overseas. However, ROCS offers travel experiences with a difference!

A fantastic choice of the world’s most idyllic holiday destinations is personally selected, along with a handpicked choice of exciting guided tours, featuring world-class hotels with service which is second to none. It is actually for this reason that ROCS Travel has been given several awards as top performing agents – putting experience and expertise at the forefront! ROCSTravel isanIATAaccreditedtravelagencyandafoundingmemberof theInsolvencyFund Malta. ROCS been Emirates Airlines’ top passenger sales agent since inception and represents Emirates Holidays in theMaltese islands.

Experience does count. Discover the difference!

Mission statement

ROCS Media’s aim is to exceed clients’ expectations whilst delivering added value in a straightforward style. It also aims to understand the challenges clients face, and develop the most effectivemarketing solutions tomatch them - fast. Our history Set up in 2000, Timeline’s aim is to produce media products in various formats - vision, sound and print. Originally, Timeline Entertainment Limited was set up by the Vella family with the sole scope of providing in-house marketing consultancy and as a production house to the subsidiary companies. Timeline proved to be a very successful tool. Over the years, Timeline Entertainmentmanaged tobecome a leader in the local TV industryby consistentlyproducing themost popular TVShow- Tista’ Tkun Int! – andmanaging someofMalta’s largest advertising accounts. Timelinehasproducedawiderangeofimaginative,distinctiveand,mostofall,effectivetelevision commercials and public service announcements. Productions have included marketing and publicrelationsstrategies, corporatevideosandaudio-visualproductions, commercials, turnkey television productions, logo creation and animation, broadcast design including openings, glosses and jingles, radio adverts, public service announcements and print design. Timeline’sclientportfoliohasincludedVodafone,EmiratesAirlines,Mercedes,BMW,Jaguar,SKY Telecom, Piaget,Miluna, YellowPages, AirMalta, Lufthansa, HSBC, Nestle, Toyota, Kelloggs, Toni & Guy, McDonalds, Dell, Nokia, HP, Scavolini, Siemens, The Malta Government, The European Union andmany others.

It is not only the viewers who crowned Tista’ Tkun Int! the top Maltese TV programme. Time and time again, surveys carried out by independent companies proved that no other TV show surpassed Tista’ Tkun Int!. The figures spoke for themselves: a survey held by The Research Bureau inApril 2006 revealed that a staggering total of 212,684peoplewatchedTista’ Tkun Int! on aweekly basis. These amazing resultswere confirmedby another surveywhichwas carried by The MediaWarehouse during the same period, which also confirmed Tista’ Tkun Int! as the top TV programme and Rachel Vella as Malta’s favourite TV hostess. The Malta Broadcasting Authority further confirmed all the above during a three month survey which was carried out between the months of March and June 2007. It is no surprise that Rachel Vella’s innate charisma and striking TVpresence continued tomark her out asMalta’s favourite TVhost for 7 years. Tista’ Tkun Int! not onlyboasted thehighest number ofweeklyviewers but alsoattracted awidemix of people ranging fromall walks of life and all sectors of society. Prior to Tista’ Tkun Int!’s achievements, professionals in the Maltese TV industry thought that it was impossible to reach the heights that Tista’ Tkun Int! reached. After being the first programme to turn the Sunday morning slot into an unprecedented success, Tista’ Tkun Int! continued growing and reaching newheights. International VIPs and celebrities were a regular occurrence where Tista’ Tkun Int! was concerned. Michael Owen and Ian Rush from Liverpool FC, Alessandro Del Piero & Mr Lippi from Juventus FC, Idris, Albano Carrisi and Fiorello from Italy, andmany others – these have all supportedTista’ Tkun Int! andwere happy to collaborate with Rachel. No wonder Rachel Vella was time and time again confirmed as Malta’s most popular and influential TV personality. Her innate charisma and business acumen has eventually led her to becomeMalta’s Top Female Entrepreneur. Achieving The Unachievable

Mission statement

ThecorporatemissionatROCSInsureistoprovidepremierpersonalgeneral insuranceproducts and quality service to its customers.

This is accomplishedby adhering to the highest ethical standards, respect to the individual and with the use of sound business practices.

Theoverall objective is toattainconsistent results by structuringexceptional programs, provide a superior service and to grow the business every year. This is accomplished with the creation of a working environment where employees face challenges with a positive attitude. In today’s rapidly changing economy, ROCS likes to think of itself as both challenged and lucky to be able to serve clients inways that havemade it a trusted business. The goal at ROCS is to continue doing just that.

ROCS Company Limited is an enrolled Tied Insurance Intermediary under the Insurance Distribution Act, Cap 487 of the Laws of Malta for both MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta.All entities are regulated by the MFSA.

Our History

Over the past fewyears the nameROCShas become synonymouswithMaltese families as the intermediary that they should consult before buying any form of insurance or life assurance savings policies. ROCShas built a solid reputation for the excellent services offered to its clients by a dedicated teamof young professionals. ROCS personnel always try to make the world of insurance as simple as possible to clients. Attention to detail combined with the personal touch offered by all the staff has been one of the cornerstones which has made many clients from all walks of life return to ROCS for their various insurance needs. Likemost success stories, ROCS is built by an impressive teameffort. This success was only possible with the full support of Mapfre MSVLife and Mapfre Middlesea Insurance PLC. At the Middlesea Valletta 10th anniversary celebrations, ROCS was awarded an honour by Mr Mario C. Grech - Deputy Chairman of Mapfre MSVLife Life - for the highest producing company sub-agency for the period 1994-2004. ROCS has also been awarded a similar honour by Mapfre Middlesea Insurance PLC on the occasion of their 20th Anniversary celebrations in 2001. ROCS Company Limited is an enrolled Tied Insurance Intermediary (TII) under the Insurance Intermediaries Act, 2006 for Mapfre Middlesea plc (C-5553). ROCS Company Limited is an enrolledTied Insurance Intermediaryunder the InsuranceDistributionAct, Cap487of theLaws of Malta for MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.(C-15722) is authorised under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. All companies are regulated by the MFSA.

ROCS – Your partner for life.

ROCS Company Limited is an enrolled Tied Insurance Intermediary under the Insurance Distribution Act, Cap 487 of the Laws of Malta for both MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is author- ised under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta.All entities are regulated by the MFSA.

Mission statement

Mission statement

Clients come first. This principle makes ROCS Invest proud to be part of the ROCS Group’s long-standing reputation to only provide the best. ROCS Invest assists clients to achieve their financial objectives and build their wealth by offering valuable advice that goes beyond stocks and bonds.

ROCS Invest provides powerful resources - from investment strategies to state-of-the-art technology. This is what allows it towork in its client’s interests.

ROCS Company Limited is an enrolled Tied Insurance Intermediary under the Insurance Distribution Act, Cap 487 of the Laws of Malta for MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.(C-15722) is authorised under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. Both entities are regulated by the MFSA.

Our History

ROCSInvestwasincorporatedintheyear2000andisauthorisedbytheMaltaFinancialServices Authority to provide independent financial advice to both corporate and private clients.

ROCS Invest has a team of Client Advisors who are fully prepared to identify an investment which matches the client’s goals, needs, level of risk, tolerance, preference and investment horizon. Mr Simon Vella Cert PFS, FAIQ (CII). heads the team of Client Advisors and is also one of the directors of the company. Mr Vella is licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority to provide independent financial advice. Planning a client’s finances is fundamental in order to ensure he/she enjoys stable todays and tomorrows. ROCS Invest’s independent financial advisors helpeach andevery client according to their specific financial circumstances whilst at the same time keeping abreast with new opportunities. ROCS Invest is the gateway to a wide spectrum of financial assets ranging from bonds to equities and from currencies to structured products. The company successfully responds to the challenges of open competition by seeking to exceed the expectations of very demanding clients. The people behind ROCS Invest understand clients’ needs and develop solutions that are tailor-made to their needs.

ROCS Company Limited is an enrolled Tied Insurance Intermediary under the Insurance Distribution Act, Cap 487 of the Laws of Malta for MAPFREMSV Life p.l.c.. MAPFREMSV Life p.l.c.(C-15722) is authorised under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. Both entities are regulated by theMFSA.

Mission statement

ROCS Retail’s mission is to operate the best specialty retail business in Malta, regardless of the product beingsold. This isbecause theseproductsareexclusiveyet affordable, thusaspirations must beconsistentwith thepromiseand the ideals of thecompaniesbeing represented. To say that this mission exists independent of the product being sold is to demean the importance and thedistinctionof beinga retailer of affordable luxuries. As a retailer, ROCS is determined to be the very best in its business, regardless of the size, pedigree or inclinations of competitors. ROCSaims tocontinue tobringthe industrynuancesof styleandapproaches toretailingwhich are consistent with its evolving aspirations. Above all, ROCS Retail expects to be a credit to the communities served, a valuable resource to customers, and a placewhere its dedicatedpartners can growandprosper. Toward this end ROCSwill not only listen to customers and counterparts, but will continue to embrace the idea that the Company is at their service. ROCS Group’s retail division is one of the Group’s fastest developing. Besides the ROCS Travel retail presence, ROCS Retail operates INGLOT, INGLOT the Studio and perfumes&more in the Maltese Islands. In total, ROCSRetail operates 18 retail points in theMaltese islands. Additionally, ROCS Retail operates a very successful INGLOT operation in Libya including 5 exclusive retail outlets.

ROCS Group’s retail division is one of the Group’s fastest developing. Besides the ROCS Travel retail presence, way back in 2007 ROCS Retail introduced the INGLOT brand in Malta through its fully operated retail outlet in the heart of one Malta’s main shopping districts - Sliema. Founded by Wojtek Inglot in Europe over 25 years ago, INGLOT is a global brand currently operating throughout Europe, USA, Canada, India, the UK, the Middle East and Australia. It is present in 900 retail locations worldwide. INGLOT is all about colour, but most importantly it’s about making one look good and feel fabulous. The product range includes over 200 shades of eye shadows, over 200 shades of nail polish, more than 150 shades of lipstick and all the latest must- have accessories. INGLOT boasts the largest colour collection in the world with over 1 trillion colour combinations. INGLOT’s retail presence in Malta to date includes some of the most prominent retail locations in Malta including Republic Street - Valletta, The Strand - Sliema, Rotunda Square - Mosta, The Point Shopping Mall – Tigne, and Zabbar Road - Fgura. In 2008, ROCS Retail launched INGLOT the Studio - a unique concept offering a one-stop shop for hair, nails and makeup services. Since this launch, clients have come to expect nothing but the best from INGLOT the Studio. INGLOT the Studio is a unique fashion makeover destination - from service experience to creative styling. Attention to detail has made it the number one fashion destination on the island and the INGLOT teams continuously strive to sustain this rating by keeping clients as first priority and commit to providing services of the highest quality in a professional atmosphere. The salons are a premium and luxury space to meet all the beauty needs of clients. The wide range of products services are a class apart, ranging from hair colouring, keratin, and straightening, to facials, bridal makeup, nail art andmore. Through continuous education, self-discipline, and mutual respect, guests are provided with an exceptional experience.

To date INGLOT the Studio can be found in Mosta, Sliema, The Point and Fgura.

Perfumes&more is a collection of affordable perfumes, jewellery, accessories and much more. Introduced in late 2008 the concept andbrandbehindperfumes&more has beendeveloped in Malta by the ROCS group. Thanks to some clever science, perfumes&more offers a simple and exclusive concept – Whichever your favourite perfume is, you will probably find its equivalent in the 600 name range. This isD&PPerfumum. Perfumesareanalogousof theoriginals, equivalent inqualityand flavor. What is more, D & P Perfumum produces perfumes with French natural attar-essential oils which improve performance and durability.

Perfumes&more can be found in Hamrun, Sliema, The Point, Fgura andMosta.

Foreign Operations

In total, the ROCS Group operates 20 retail locations including a full floor at Malta’s only shopping mall (The Point) in Malta.

ROCS Group is the master franchisee for the Polish brand INGLOT for Malta, Libya and Yemen.

With regards to INGLOT, ROCS Group operates 5 retail outlets in Libya.

Sincedayone, theROCSGrouphasputitsnametoalotofbeginnings.Runningahostofmultiple successful businesses in different sectors - ranging from media to real estate, broadcasting, travel, insurance, financial services, leisure, and retailing - MINUSTHREE is the latest addition to ROCS Retail. MINUSTHREE is situated at The Point Shopping Mall, the number one shopping destination on the island. A travel, fashion and beauty avenue which provides an unmatched shopping experience and features a collection of boutiques, including Charles&Ron, Gilda, TATA ITALIA, EDAS Luxury, MULTIMAXX, BRICS, MOET, perfumes&more and the internationally renowned makeup brand INGLOT. The floor is anchored by Malta’s leading travel agency - ROCS Travel, the worldwide travel phenomenon - Emirates Holidays Malta, and ROCS Insure and Invest - tied insurance intermediaries for Mapfre MSI and Mapfre MSVLife, Malta’s number one general insure and life insurance companies inMalta. Phase 2 of this project will be completed in a few months and will be featuring an exquisite cafe lounge designed by one of the leading design companies in Malta, in collaboration with a leading venue and boutique caterer.


Mission statement

Through investing in real estate, ROCS property aims to fulfill the following objectives:

• Provide a beneficial service to thosewhom the property serves. • • Provide a beneficial asset to the community. • • Provide beneficial, financial returns to those who have invested capital in the real estate property. ROCSProperty’smission is tocontinuously improve the selection, formation andmanagement of it’s investment products and consulting services to meet it’s customers’ needs, allowing ROCS toprosper as abusiness and toprovide a reasonable return for investors and theowners of the business.

Our History

Set up in the early 1970s by Mr Charles Vella, the Charichel apartments were considered to be awhite elephant in the centre of Mellieha. Mr Vella had just returned toMalta fromAustralia. He immediatelystartedapplyinghisknowledge inpropertydevelopment andthe tourismindustry to the local economy. His ultimate aim was always backed by his rigid belief in sustainable development and his commitment towardshis country.With this ismindMr. Vella investedheavily in theconstruction of Charichel apartments. These apartments were some of the first to be built in the northern part of Malta and their conceptprovedtobeextremelysuccessful. TodaythevillageofMellieha isconsideredtobeone of the few localities with a sustainable tourism industrywhich is backed by growing hospitality facilities which are second to none. The Company is continually investing in new property opportunities. The property sector in Malta is extremely strong. The long termprofitability of property assets held in Malta is almost guaranteed because of two key facts. Firstly, you have the country’s geographic status as an island! Simplyput, theamountofpropertyavailable inMalta is restrictedbecauseof thephysical size and infrastructure limits of the island.

Secondly, Malta is universally attractive toholidaymakers, retirees and those looking for aplace in the sun, so both the demand for property for sale and rent inMalta actually rises annually.

Theannual increaseindemandandthephysical restrictionoftheamountofavailablepropertyin Malta creates the ultimate investment hotspot for an international real estate investor. Property price gains have averaged around eight percent in Malta until the last couple of years when price gains have averaged a strong fifteen percent annually.

Mission statement ROCS Jobs’ mission is to provide quality assistance to its clients by sourcing and employing the best-suited candidates to a role, from qualified professionals to highly-skilled or non- skilled occupations, and to help those prospective candidates in finding the best job opportunities for their respective qualifications.

ROCS Jobs’ vision is tobe recognized in this industry, staffing, placements, andengagements solutions.

ROCS Jobs is operated by ROCS Services Limited a member of the ROCS Group.

ROCS Services Limited is a recruitment agency licensed to operate an Employment Agency or Employment Business under the Laws of Malta in particular Regulation 6 of the Employment Agencies Regulations 1995. License number E.A. No 145-2017.

ROCS Services Limited is recognised and authorised by the Philippine Embassy in Rome, to conduct recruitment services in the Philippines for the scope of placing Filipino nationals on the Maltese labour market.

The ROCS Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Prohibits Discrimination and Harassment of Any Kind: ROCS is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all employees and to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. All employment decisions at ROCS are based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without regard to race, colour, religion or belief, national, social or ethnic origin, sex (including pregnancy), age, physical, mental or sensory disability, HIV Status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, marital, civil union or domestic partnership status, past or present military service, family medical history or genetic information, family or parental status, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the locations where we operate. ROCS will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics.

Our History

ROCS Jobs is the latest addition to the ROCS Group divisions, operating under the Maltese registered recruitment agency - ROCS Services Limited. Throughout the past 45 years the ROCS Group’s operation has been constantly growing, providing services in travel, insurance, retail, property, media, investment, and retail. The Group employs approximately 175 valuable ROCS employees across its divisions. WhenMalta began to experience an unparalleled economic growth, circa in 2014, this resulted inan increaseddemand for labour. This increase indemandcouldnot be satisfiedwith the local workforce available, which led many Maltese companies to pursue the recruitment of labour fromoutside the country. ROCS Jobs is committed to helping employers fulfill their staffing needs. Together with its dedicatedPhilippine agencypartners, the teamprocesses theentireprocedure for prospective employers, in compliance with both Maltese Law and Philippine Government Law. Businesses are supplied with the right labour formula for a long term solution: the Filipino manpower of hardworking, dedicated, and loyal individuals. ROCS Jobs clearly understands the struggle which many companies are facing with labour force shortages across the Maltese Islands and commit to solving the challenges being faced, while creatingmore opportunities for local businesses.

ROCS Jobs understands business goals in the industry and urges employers to discuss the workforce challenges they are currently facing in order to assist in finding the perfect match.

ROCS Jobs is operated by ROCS Services Limited a member of the ROCS Group.

ROCS Services Limited is a recruitment agency licensed to operate an Employment Agency or Employment Business under the Laws of Malta in particular Regulation 6 of the Employment Agencies Regulations 1995. License number E.A. No 145-2017.

ROCS Services Limited is recognised and authorised by the Philippine Embassy in Rome, to conduct recruitment services in the Philippines for the scope of placing Filipino nationals on the Maltese labour market.

The ROCS Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Prohibits Discrimination and Harassment of Any Kind: ROCS is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all employees and to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. All employment decisions at ROCS are based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without regard to race, colour, religion or belief, national, social or ethnic origin, sex (including pregnancy), age, physical, mental or sensory disability, HIV Status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, marital, civil union or domestic partnership status, past or present military service, family medical history or genetic information, family or parental status, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the locations where we operate. ROCS will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics.

FLORIANA: Development House, St. Anne Street, FRN9010 MOSTA: Rotunda Square, Mosta, MST 9040 T: (+356) 2015 1515 | F: (+356) 2152 3869 | E:

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