ROCS Group Corporate Profile

Mission statement

ROCS Media’s aim is to exceed clients’ expectations whilst delivering added value in a straightforward style. It also aims to understand the challenges clients face, and develop the most effectivemarketing solutions tomatch them - fast. Our history Set up in 2000, Timeline’s aim is to produce media products in various formats - vision, sound and print. Originally, Timeline Entertainment Limited was set up by the Vella family with the sole scope of providing in-house marketing consultancy and as a production house to the subsidiary companies. Timeline proved to be a very successful tool. Over the years, Timeline Entertainmentmanaged tobecome a leader in the local TV industryby consistentlyproducing themost popular TVShow- Tista’ Tkun Int! – andmanaging someofMalta’s largest advertising accounts. Timelinehasproducedawiderangeofimaginative,distinctiveand,mostofall,effectivetelevision commercials and public service announcements. Productions have included marketing and publicrelationsstrategies, corporatevideosandaudio-visualproductions, commercials, turnkey television productions, logo creation and animation, broadcast design including openings, glosses and jingles, radio adverts, public service announcements and print design. Timeline’sclientportfoliohasincludedVodafone,EmiratesAirlines,Mercedes,BMW,Jaguar,SKY Telecom, Piaget,Miluna, YellowPages, AirMalta, Lufthansa, HSBC, Nestle, Toyota, Kelloggs, Toni & Guy, McDonalds, Dell, Nokia, HP, Scavolini, Siemens, The Malta Government, The European Union andmany others.

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