ROCS Group Corporate Profile
Mission statement
ROCS Retail’s mission is to operate the best specialty retail business in Malta, regardless of the product beingsold. This isbecause theseproductsareexclusiveyet affordable, thusaspirations must beconsistentwith thepromiseand the ideals of thecompaniesbeing represented. To say that this mission exists independent of the product being sold is to demean the importance and thedistinctionof beinga retailer of affordable luxuries. As a retailer, ROCS is determined to be the very best in its business, regardless of the size, pedigree or inclinations of competitors. ROCSaims tocontinue tobringthe industrynuancesof styleandapproaches toretailingwhich are consistent with its evolving aspirations. Above all, ROCS Retail expects to be a credit to the communities served, a valuable resource to customers, and a placewhere its dedicatedpartners can growandprosper. Toward this end ROCSwill not only listen to customers and counterparts, but will continue to embrace the idea that the Company is at their service. ROCS Group’s retail division is one of the Group’s fastest developing. Besides the ROCS Travel retail presence, ROCS Retail operates INGLOT, INGLOT the Studio and perfumes&more in the Maltese Islands. In total, ROCSRetail operates 18 retail points in theMaltese islands. Additionally, ROCS Retail operates a very successful INGLOT operation in Libya including 5 exclusive retail outlets.
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