ROCS Group Corporate Profile
Our History
Set up in the early 1970s by Mr Charles Vella, the Charichel apartments were considered to be awhite elephant in the centre of Mellieha. Mr Vella had just returned toMalta fromAustralia. He immediatelystartedapplyinghisknowledge inpropertydevelopment andthe tourismindustry to the local economy. His ultimate aim was always backed by his rigid belief in sustainable development and his commitment towardshis country.With this ismindMr. Vella investedheavily in theconstruction of Charichel apartments. These apartments were some of the first to be built in the northern part of Malta and their conceptprovedtobeextremelysuccessful. TodaythevillageofMellieha isconsideredtobeone of the few localities with a sustainable tourism industrywhich is backed by growing hospitality facilities which are second to none. The Company is continually investing in new property opportunities. The property sector in Malta is extremely strong. The long termprofitability of property assets held in Malta is almost guaranteed because of two key facts. Firstly, you have the country’s geographic status as an island! Simplyput, theamountofpropertyavailable inMalta is restrictedbecauseof thephysical size and infrastructure limits of the island.
Secondly, Malta is universally attractive toholidaymakers, retirees and those looking for aplace in the sun, so both the demand for property for sale and rent inMalta actually rises annually.
Theannual increaseindemandandthephysical restrictionoftheamountofavailablepropertyin Malta creates the ultimate investment hotspot for an international real estate investor. Property price gains have averaged around eight percent in Malta until the last couple of years when price gains have averaged a strong fifteen percent annually.
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