ROCS Guided Holidays 8 Day Magical Christmas in Lapland & London

Frequently Asked Questions About Lapland WHAT IS THE BEST THING TO WEAR? Santa’s Lapland is above the Arctic Circle, so the right clothing makes all the difference in keeping you and your children warm, happy and having fun. There is a lot of information on what to wear and what to pack here, but rest assured we will arrange for each of you to have a complimentary thermal outer-suit for your stay, along with cosy woollen socks, snow-boots, outer gloves and hats, all free of charge. We recommend you also bring additional mittens or gloves (ideally waterproof ones for children’s snow play) to be worn next to the skin, and balaclavas or scarves to cover your face if necessary. Hats should have flaps or be able to be pulled down to cover your ears. Several layers are far more insulating than one or two thick items, so the best bet is thermal undies, shirt or roll-neck fleece and a jacket/anorak under your suit when outdoors. IS IT WORTH BRINGING A CAMERA? Yes absolutely as there will be so many magical moments to capture! However, extreme cold can adversely affect some cameras, so do check the manufacturers’ guidelines. Camera and phone batteries also discharge very quickly in the cold, so bring plenty of spares! Also be aware of the ‘twilight’ times, when flash photography is necessary. HOW EASY IS IT TO DRIVE A SNOWMOBILE? Our guide will make sure everyone’s safe and following the rules before you set off. If a grown-up wants to drive, you need to be over 18 and have a full driving licence. You’ll get a helmet too. The dedicated trails are like roads, with ‘give way’ signs to look out for. And just like roads, you can’t have had any alcohol before heading out. There’s room for one passenger per snowmobile. You need to be able to reach the footrests and be strong enough to hold on properly around the driver’s waist or hand grips. There isn’t a specific age to ride pillion however it is at the guides discretion as to whether you are allowed to ride as a passenger. To drive your own snowmobile without a passenger, you’ll need to book a single driver supplement. And if a grown-up wants to go in the sleigh, you’ll need to let us know in advance and its subject to availability. ARE THE TRIPS SUITABLE FOR GRANDPARENTS? Yes, absolutely! Many grandparents head to Lapland every year and they have tremendous fun, not to mention the simple joy of being with the grandchildren in such a magically special place! WHAT IS THE NORMAL TEMPERATURE IN LAPLAND? During December it is normally about -12°C, but can reach as low as -30°. These temperatures are perfectly manageable however with the thermal suits and boots we provide free of charge. The team will amend itineraries if weather conditions will affect your magical trip. ARE THE MEETINGS WITH SANTA PRIVATE FOR EACH FAMILY? Yes absolutely! We know how important and special this time is for you and your family so it will be just you and Santa himself. You’ll have a team of helpers helping you find Santa’s hidden log-cabins in the woods. Additionally, all children will receive presents from Santa’s sack, ensuring a truly magical experience for everyone. All children will get a small present from Santa’s sack, something the elves have been working on that week. Make sure your little ones know that Santa is busy preparing for Christmas morning, so he won’t have the presents they’ve asked for just yet. He’ll deliver them to home as normal. To keep the spirit of the season and ensure every child feels equally special, Santa won’t be able to give out your own presents.



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