ROCS Holidays - 8 Day New York City

so can get you to your destination quicker, and that taxi drivers are safer and more vetted than Uber drivers in the city. I like to use the Curb app to hail and pay for taxis, you can use my code TANMAYA for $10 off your first ride. Curb also doesn’t have surge fees which is really nice during bad weather or rush hour. Stick to exploring neighborhoods to save time – for example, do everything in Midtown on the same day, do everything on the Upper East Side + Central Park on the same day etc. Use Google Maps! Save all the spots you want to hit and group the ones close by. Use more of your time seeing and experiencing New York City rather than traveling from one tip of the island of Manhattan to another. Don’t stop in the middle of sidewalks where tons of people are walking, and walk fast if you are able to. Navigate the Subway sensibly – don’t enter empty cars when the rest of the subway is packed (these are empty for a reason), don’t stick your hand to stop the subway door from closing, know which direction you want to go (Uptown and Queens versus Downtown and Brooklyn) etc. Don’t spend more than an hour in Times Square. Please remember to not generalize NYC based on Times Square – it is just a loud, crowded square in the city popular with tourists and hence, tourist traps. Skip the tour to visit the Statue of Liberty unless it is a bucket list item for you to set foot on Liberty Island. See the Statue of Liberty from the free Staten Island Ferry instead. Make reservations for the restaurants you really want to go to! The hottest new restaurants in the city will be the hardest to get into, so you definitely need to plan ahead (for some, at least a month or two ahead)

NEW YORK CITY 2024-2025


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