THE ROCS TRAVEL TOUR MANAGERS On Day 1 of your trip, you’ll meet a friendly person who sure does know a lot about your tour and the destinations you’re visiting. This highly skilled professional is your tour manager…and from the moment you meet this key player on your tour, you’ll know you’re in good hands. With their rich travel backgrounds, as well as their useful information about language, currency, and all things local, you can relax and enjoy the ride. THE ROCS TRAVEL PRODUCT TEAM Our product experts are probably on the road right now — scoping out the best of our worldwide destinations. They go, take it all in, and find the moments they love best. You just need to choose which itinerary best suits you. Their job is to make sure that your Guided Tour is extra social. They look after putting together a cast of characters: including your most ideal tour manager, a great driver, knowledgeable local guides and much more that goes on behind the scenes. THE ROCS TRAVEL DIFFERENCE Look Beyond The List Price. On the surface, tours from various operators may appear the same. The price may appear to be better. Yet make a careful measure of the inclusions vs. options. A low “starting at” rate does not always make for up good tour. You may spend much more money in the long run when your account for all the extras that we at ROCS consider to be part of the experience. A competitor’s advertised price indicates land and air, but customarily excludes extras. A ROCS Travel Tour generally includes all tours and daily experience from morning to evening, we have noted that other tours generally do not. Our advertised price includes all necessary inclusions, so that you will not be surprised with additional charges when it’s time to check out.



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