ROCS profile

A compelling business destination.

Several physiological and cultural factors make the Maltese Islands additionally attractive, including:

Being strategically located as a bridge from Europe to the African continent in the centre of the Mediterranean;

Sharing western culture and political democracy, similar legal institutions, accounting standards and trade practices;

Proximity to growing markets in Europe, North Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, as well as excellent relations both with North African and European Countries;

Logistic convenience underpinned by frequent connections to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

A pro-business government that recognises the importance of incentives to promote economic growth;

Being a full member state of the European Union and part of the Eurozone, providing Malta-based businesses with instant access to the EU’s internal market of over 500 million people; An advantageous geographical location, being within three hours direct flight from other European financial centres, as well as the logistic convenience of 3 hour flying time via frequent connections to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East;

An accessible, respected and forward-looking regulator and risk-based supervision;

Comprehensive financial legislation catering inter alia for the regulation of investment funds, insurance companies, securitisation, banking, and financial institutions, offering many regulatory structures that are unique in Europe;

A network of double tax treaties with around 80 countries;

Political stability coupled with unanimous political support for the country’s position as an international financial centre;

A banking sector composed of a combination of solid and reliable Maltese banks and major international banks, providing the highest standards of service to corporate and private clients

State-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure and support services by professionals with a ‘can do’ attitude;

High quality of life in a Mediterranean island environment with English as one of Malta’s official languages and the language of the business community;

Ideal test-bed for new technologies software and hardware due to its micro size;

Maltese employees are known for their adaptability, flexibility and integrity;

High standard of education;

A strong base testified by the presence of highly established brand names.

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