Rachel Vella - Corporate Biography

The programme garnered international reputation and accolades poured in from all quarters. Thanks to her work in the community, Rachel was chosen by Mercedes-Benz International to represent Malta in a worldwide campaign. only one personality was to be chosen from every country and Rachel represented Malta in Milan. The event was a glitterati bonanza, packed to the rafters with a-list celebrities, many of whom had already met Rachel before through guest appearances on Tistà Tkun Int! But no matter howmany celebrities she met – from singers like al Bano, to every single celebrity footballer, David Beckham, cristiano Ronaldo, fabio cannavaro, pope John paul II and a multitude of divas - Rachel remained focused on the twofold task of maintaining a successful operation while offering a ray of hope to the less fortunate. Despite all the accolades and the incredible advertising revenue (the show counted all of Malta’s top brands as advertising client, with no exception – a feat never since achieved by any other television show) Rachel soon felt that it was time to explore new pastures. In 2007, when the show was at the peak of its success, the decision was taken to bring Tista’ Tkun Int! to its closing chapter. four years on it remains a legend in local media.

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