Simply Family - Family Adventure at Gardaland Resort 2020
TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY This competition is being organised by the ROCS Group in association with Auto Sales Limited sole agents of Renault in Malta. Participating tickets will only be valid if purchases are made and payment is received by midnight of the 20th December 2019. Clients entitled to competition tickets need to complete their full details and deliver the said tickets to a ROCS Group office outlet of their choice by midnight of the 20th December 2019. It is the client’s responsibility to make sure that tickets are filled in properly and in their name. The ROCS Group will strictly abide by the name, address, and all details listed on the chosen competition ticket. This is not a lottery but a competition based on the correct answer to a skill-based question. Therefore, the chosen finalist will need to correctly answer a skill- based question. Late entries for the competition after midnight of the 20th December 2019 will not be accepted and will not be entitled to participate. The car competitionwill be held on the 23rd of December and the winner will be announced at noon on the 24th December 2019.
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